Today's CVARC General Class Session

Oct 3, 2020

A few topics that came up today.

A Recommended Transceiver for Mobile/Base Station

Bill Willcox KF6JQO says he his Icom IC-7100 tranceiver because it serves well as a base station or a mobile. I've been thinking my HT isn't the best radio to put in my Westy, so I'll look into this one. Looks simpler and smaller than some of the mobile rigs I've seen. The angled touchscreen head is connected to a controller that can be mounted remotely in a mobile installation.

Companion Web Site to ARRL Manual

There's a companion web site to the ARRL General Class License Manual we're using. From the web site:

While studying the ARRL General Class License Manual to prepare for your exam you may find that you need a bit more background to fully understand a topic. Maybe you'll just be curious and want to know more detail. Either way, this General Class License Manual web page is intended to act as your "study buddy."

How Remote Testing is Handled

CVARC Editor/Published Andy Ludlum K6AGL joined the session today to go over remote testing procedures (PDF).

Andy directed us to hamstudy.org to find a test session when we're ready. Two GLAARG volunteers are currently organization sessions: WB6OHW and W8WOT

HamTestOnline Does Test Prep Well

Today I renewed my HamTestOnline subscription, so I can get back to studying for the General License that way. Even though I haven't used it since last summer, it's inexpensive to renew. I remember it does a good job of tracking which answers I'm still getting wrong and directing me back to detailed study materials for those questions. I almost passed the General last summer, so I know it works!

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Created October 3, 2020, Last Modified January 7, 2021 | Validate: HTML CSS RSS | Cache: hits: 1